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  Player Rankings - By Tier

OK, so what is the big deal about ranking players by tier?

Essentially, a tier is a grouping of like-valued players. For example, below you will see that we have 2 players identified as Tier 1 (T1) players. That is, we see 2 players in this year's fantasy sweepstakes as "blue chip" players. In fact, depending on your league's scoring system and your personal preferences, you could probably take any one of these 2 players with the #1 overall pick and feel pretty good about it. We see the dropoff after these 2 to be pronounced enough, that we categorize the next batch of players as T2 players.

Sometimes looking at the player rankings by tier is even more beneficial than the individual player rankings themselves. How so? Well, in many cases, the difference between, say, the 9th and 14th/15th, or the 28th and 38th player is not especially significant. That is why it makes sense to organize them by tiers; it helps identify the emerging gaps between groups of players.



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